C. C. Naz. 7-11-21 “How Committed To The Lord Are You?” 1st Samuel 7 “You shall have no other god’s

C. C. Naz. 7-11-21 “How Committed To The Lord Are You?” 1st Samuel 7 “You shall have no other god’s

As we continue to move along in 1 Samuel, we find that the people of God are seeking to determine God’s direction for their lives and Samuel is growing in his influence as a prophet for God and a Judge for God’s people. Samuel’s responsibility list for the Lord’s people is growing and his commitment to the Lord is impecable. Samuel is rapidly realizing that the Lord God has very important work for him to fulfill and the only way that Samuel will ever be able to fulfill his call is by living in total obedience to the Lord. Have you ever deeply contemplated and prayed about the importance of your life in the Lord’s Kingdom work? Last week I shared with you all how important it is for each of us to remember that we are all “Molded for Holy Purpose.” I spoke about us understanding that we all must live “God’s Way—NOT—Our Ways.” God’s way is singular, whereas our ways are plural. Samuel’s life reminds us again and again that God’s way for our lives is the only way to live; and as a prophet for God he becomes the mouthpiece for the Almighty. We too are the mouthpiece for the Almighty from God’s standpoint. So—how are your vocal chords doing as your live your life of faith?
1. Last week the theme for our message was “Loyalty to God is a non-negotiable.” This week the theme for our message is “You shall have no other god’s before me.” I want you to ask yourselves if these two themes define or describe your relationship with God? If not—why not? Although many people proclaim commitment to God Almighty, the actions of their lives and the contemplations in their minds do not reveal that truth. As you prepare your hearts for this coming Sunday, I encourage you to contemplate this important aspect of faith and pray to God Almighty to give you a passion for obedience to Him and Him alone.
2. As you prepare for this Sunday’s worship celebration, I encourage you to spend 20 minutes or so reading from 1st Samuel 3 through 1st Samuel 7 slowly and contemplatively. Familiarize yourself with this amazing story and ask the Lord to give you insight into your own life of faith. In our story, the battle between the Israelites and the Philistines was constant. The Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant and Israel found themselves without God’s holy presence (this was what the Ark represented at that time). Now as you consider your personal relationship with God and His presence, what is “capturing” your commitment to God?
C. C. Naz. 7-11-21
Title: “How Committed To The Lord Are You?”
Text: Selections from 1st Samuel 7
Theme: “You shall have no other god’s before Me!”
--God Almighty On the journey—Pastor Steve

Cornerstone Church of the NazareneLake JacksonTexas

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