EOCA funded project 2021: Rewilding Oder Delta - Promoting Wildlife Comeback in Ina River

EOCA funded project 2021: Rewilding Oder Delta -  Promoting Wildlife Comeback in Ina River

The River Ina, in Poland, is an important habitat for salmon, kingfisher, beaver, crane and sea eagle. However, the impacts of climate change have seen increased drought and flooding resulting in damaging impacts to the area and its wildlife.

The Promoting Wildlife Comeback in Ina River project, organised by Rewilding Oder Delta, will work with local volunteers to raise the bed level of the whole river, reconnecting it to the floodplain and recreate migratory fish spawning grounds. 1km of river morphology will be restored, rewetting a 50ha floodplain, trees will be planted along 17km of river in addition to a number of clean-ups.


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