God Commands: Be Not Puffed-Up ... From Darkness To Light God Promises

God Commands: Be Not Puffed-Up ... From Darkness To Light God Promises

God Commands: Be Not Puffed-Up
NKJV Ref :: Romans 12:16 ~ "Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion."

Four Commands in this Verse:
1.Be of the same mind || 2.Do not set your mind on high things || 3.Associate with the humble || 4.Be not be wise in your own opinion.

1 - Be Of The Same Mind
Is to be in agreement. Agreement leads to Unity & Concord which in turn leads to Harmony. Amos 3:3 says "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?" It is the will of God that we do. Period.

2 - Do not set your mind on high things
The Body of Christ have all different Capabilities, Talents and Gifts and these are to compliment and supplement each other to accomplish the plan and purpose of God.

3 - Associate with the humble
While God commands us to present ourselves 'humble' before Him, He extends this to be the life-style so as to be consistently humble in our behaviour with all.

4 - Be not be wise in your own opinion
Self-worth, Vanity, Conceit, False Pride, narcissism .. there is nothing in us that we have to boast about. Always remember John 15:5.


Do Read The Bible.

GOD COMMANDS is a Vlog Series (around 3 Minutes each) dealing with His good + acceptable + perfect will – One Command at a Time \o/
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Vlog Schedule: Monday and Thursday (Bi-Weekly).

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Gospel: Jesus Christ's life on earth + death on the cross for the sins of the world + resurrection, victory over death + reconciliation of man with God \o/ No cost to us Christ paid it all. Hear His Call...

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Bible Quotes:- New King James Version (NKJV) and as indicated.

God Commands:From Darkness To Light God PromisesCommands of God

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