How To Evaluate Your Coaching Session? As a Coachee!

How To Evaluate Your Coaching Session? As a Coachee!

Coaching sessions have been talked about or written on extensively,  but I haven't seen anything written about the responsibilities of the "coachee," the person being coached. Since coaching is a two-way conversation, the individual being coached must keep his or her half of the deal; otherwise, coaching would be ineffective.

So, how can you evaluate your coaching sessions? What are the key points you can keep in mind while evaluating? How can you make your coaching session more effective and productive for yourself?

Active listening is critical for the coachee. Trying to understand what the coach is saying, probing, and digging deeper to make sure what is being heard is what is being said. Playing back what the coach is saying to clarify. Asking for clarification, asking for examples are all critical for the coachee in listening.

Pushing back and challenging the coach is an important part of the coachee's responsibilities-and an expectation a coach should have. This will help explore the issues more deeply, look at alternatives, enrich the conversation, to help clarify thinking on both the part of the coach and the coaches.

Watch the whole video as I share some points that key points that you should keep in mind as a Coachee while evaluating your coaching session!

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