How to Start your Own Robotics Company

How to Start your Own Robotics Company

0:00:00 Introduction by Tom Ryden - MassRobotics
0:01:51 Agenda by Russell Nickerson - MassRobotics
0:03:41 First Steps Into (the legal side) by Peter Rosenblum - Foley
0:29:20 Market Research & Customer Discovery by Cait Brumme - MassChallenge
0:40:04 IP, Patents & Trademarks by Linda Thayer - Finnegan
0:57:45 Marketing & Branding by Mark O'Toole - Mower
1:13:25 Break
1:14:55 Funding Panel by Yvonne McCague - SVB, Peter Howard - Realtime, Steve Jacobson - Autonodyne, Dexter Ang - Pison
2:17:07 Accelerators & Incubators by Ignacio Castro and Joe Botsch - Founders Institute
2:39:23 Networking by Dan Kara - The Robot Report
2:57:07 Scaling with Manufacturing by Peter Russo - MassRobotics
3:10:07 Wrap Up


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