Older Adults Fitness: A VARIED and FUN STRENGTH workout, 21 July Fit For Good

Older Adults Fitness: A VARIED and FUN STRENGTH workout, 21 July Fit For Good

Led by Jordan, this 30-minute session is for over 60s who are looking for a fun and varied strength workout.

Today’s session is all about using fun, varied and unconventional movements to build muscular strength. You’ll perform four exercises over the course of four rounds in a circuit-style format, most of which don’t often appear in a typical Fit For Good pre-recorded session. This will not only push the body physically (as you will not be used to performing these exercises) but mentally too, as you’ll have to concentrate and think about how to perform these fun and unconventional movements with perfect technique. Regular strength training increases muscular strength and size, which can protect the joints when performing higher impact exercises and everyday tasks such as walking and gardening. At the end of the session, you’ll be rewarded with a relaxing stretch to cool down.

We’d love to have your comments on the session and don’t forget to subscribe to the Fit For Good YouTube Channel! If you've enjoyed this session, please do consider donating to Fit For Good on our website so that we can carry on providing FREE sessions.

Fit For Good is an exercise programme developed specifically for older adults - men and women - to help achieve healthier, happier ageing. To learn more visit: www.FitForGood.com

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