2011 Presumably an alien entity teleports a few meters away from a group of night hunters

2011 Presumably an alien entity teleports a few meters away from a group of night hunters

Entidad presuntamente alienígena se teletransporta a unos metros de un grupo de cazadores nocturnos de OVNIs que grababan partes de su aventura en una zona en que se decía se veían muchos OVNIs (Corguinho, municipio del estado brasileño de Mato Grosso del Sur) quedando registrada en este video la teletransportación de un ser alienígena.
Infortunadamente la calidad del video no es la mejor y no se pueden ver detalles.
Presumably alien entity teleports a few meters away from a group of nocturnal UFO hunters who recorded parts of their adventure in an area where it was said that many UFOs were seen (Corguinho, municipality of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso del Sur), being recorded in this video teleportation of an alien being.
Unfortunately the video quality is not the best and details cannot be seen.


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