ATDA Miniseries 01: Where Transformations Typically Start, Could Start, and Options

ATDA Miniseries 01: Where Transformations Typically Start, Could Start, and Options

In this episode, I will cover options for where transformations could start vs. where they typically begin and the DAVSC approach to developing an improvement backlog and implementation plan based on minimum viable changes.

This episode is the first in a 12-part series covering Disciplined Agile’s Value Stream Management. Each episode contains ten minutes or less of presented content and five-ten minutes of Q&A. Episodes in this series:
• Transformation Plan
• Minimum Business Increment (“MBI”)
• The Idealized Value Stream
• Value Flow Planning – MBI Tetris
• Value Flow Planning – Feature & Story Tetris
• Roles of Value Stream Management
• Value Creation Structure Options
• Factors of Effective Value Streams
• The Assessment – Identifying Organizational Issues
• The Playbook – An Improvement Backlog


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