Aug8 just letting you's know I am ok👍 and I'm not still sick🤭🤕🤯 from those chemicals in Sobeys 2day

Aug8 just letting you's know I am ok👍 and I'm not still sick🤭🤕🤯 from those chemicals in Sobeys 2day

Hello, my name is Patricia & i am a processed food, [including sugar], #foodaddict !!​ EMAIL  -
HighStarch🥔🍠🌽LowFat for energy & satiety
My address is : Patricia Harding , P.O box 204, HWY 3 Sable River, NS Canada

Wow, can hardly believe, i reached my 100lb goal😳😋Before I started this journey 3y4m3wks ago, I was nearly bed/home bound by illnesses , CFS, IBS & FIBRO, restless legs, HBP, racing heart & mind, depression, etc, the list goes on..& the extra weight,239 lbs.. When I started this the stomach specialist said to me try and lose 10 lbs & see if your stomach feels any better. At that time I was on 2 different stomach pills& something for And I started moving my arms& legs while laying on the sofa bed.. So I did what he said he was not condescending like some doctors & he said 10 pounds, he didn't say a hundred pounds because that would be very overwhelming. But when I lost that 10 pounds & I started feeling better .I did start taking vitamin D. I started to feel a little energy & I was watching my 600 pound life at the time.  It was around that time that I found Chef AJ on #YT & John Pierre. And he said you don't have to do 10000 steps, any movement will do. I started getting a little stronger and more energy. I started walking 2 year ago April just taking a few steps around the yard & i kept increasing until I got to this point where I can walk at least 55 minutes at one time and over 8,000 steps at one time. I can work on the woodpile for 1 to 3 hours & that's all standing and moving all the muscles lifting & tugging and pulling and pushing. So all this time following Chef AJ & dr. John McDougall of the starch solution. And that is how I came to get this transformation that I had no idea this would happen to me. Plus when I gave up the meat and animal products and highly processed foods my taste buds changed & I began to Crave vegetables like brussels sprouts and fruit. And now if I feel like binging I eat Persian cucumbers cherry tomatoes banana and orange & I do not feel guilty or bloated actually I never feel bloated from eating anymore, all my stomach problems went away, my bowel problems went away that I had since birth. I got off five of six medications I still do take for low thyroid. Anyway here's me from a size 3x to a size 10 . I never lost more than one pound a week like some people do when they do a drastic eating plan change but that's okay I'm a patient woman. I'm 69 Jun5, I feel better then I have in many years, well at least from probably 2007 on. O yes &I don't need my cane anymore but the osteopath worked on my right hip leg & I no longer need a cane or the grocery store cart to get me around the store. I used to just walk and shuffle my feet like a a really older person &now I'm practically run through the store LOL wow I better stop here looks like I'm  writing a novel. Oh yes  Richard is also lost about 40 pounds without even trying,  from eating what I  cook  mostly just for his lunches at work  and the more potatoes we eat The Slimmer we're getting. If I didn't lose any more I would be happy at this weight 140 . I'm still going to eat the way I'm eating, if I lose more I lose more, if I don't I don't. Oh yes & I am doing intermittent fasting eating two meals a day from 5 to 6 p.m. I eat again around 12-1 p.m. the next day. If I feel hungry like I did in the middle of the night last night, I just tell myself, it's not really hunger, you don't have to eat until noon LOL and it works 😋🥔🌽🍠💪


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