濵田 尚里 Hamada Shori's sacrifice throws and guard techniques.
0:00 Tomoenage to closed guard to pin
0:58 Shin-to-shin Tomoenage replay
1:20 Malonga's throw
1:32 Tomoenage to armbar attempt
2:03 Tomoenage to crab ride
2:33 Tomoenage to crab ride replay
2:55 Yoko tomoenage to newaza
3:20 Cartwheel counter
3:29 Yoko tomoenage to cartwheel replay
3:59 Ukiwaza variation to sweep
4:47 Leg entanglement
5:04 Pinning the Korean Judoka
5:56 Sumigaeshi to tripod sweep
6:12 Sumigaeshi to pin
6:44 Ashi-garami sweep to tug-of-war!
8:05 Sumigaeshi to failed tomoenage
8:21 Incredible grip break to guard domination
9:06 Tripod sweep
10:03 Armbar transition to leg entry
10:18 John Danaher armbar to the legs example
10:28 Armbar transition to leg entry replay
10:34 Match vs KOS' next newaza sequence
11:14 Ude-gatame finish vs KOS
11:48 Uchimata ippon
John Danaher on common armbar problems and solutions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd5g_ZEseds