Have you seen the pictures taken in the Ingenuity's 10th Flight?

Have you seen the pictures taken in the Ingenuity's 10th Flight?

මේ වන විට අඟහරු මතුපිට ඇති Ingenuity හෙලිකොප්ටරය ගුවන් ගමන් 10 ක් ගමන් කර තිබෙනවා. මෙම 10 වන ගුවන් ගමනේ දී ලබාගත් ඡායාරූප ගැන මෙයින් විස්තර වනවා. pictures taken in the Ingenuity's 10th flight. perseverance is ready collect samples. sample collection of Perseverance. crater floor fractured rough. 9th flight of the Ingenuity. Aerial images taken by Ingenuity. Ingenuity 8th flight. how long ingenuity will fly. 7th flight of the Ingenuity helicopter. what happened to Ingenuity on its 6th flight. 6th flight of Ingenuity. Ingenuity 5th flight. Ingenuity 4th flight. Ingenuity succeeds in the 4th flight. Ingenuity 3rd flight. MOXIE. MOXIE makes oxygen. Ingenuity flight date. Ingenuity helicopter first flight date. new images of perseverance mission. perseverance rover. perseverance. mars 2020. perseverance rover landing. perseverance rover update. perseverance images. perseverance images from mars. ingenuity. ingenuity helicopter. astronomy sinhala. science sinhala. sinhala science video. physics sinhala. vishwaya sinhalen. #astronomysinhala #sciencesinhala #educationsinhala #physicssinhala #mars2020

Credit should go to,
NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

sauragraha mandalaya sinhalaAliensvishwaya

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