HOURS AGO! Tesla Just Released a Stunning Giga Shanghai Video Showing Quality Control

HOURS AGO! Tesla Just Released a Stunning Giga Shanghai Video Showing Quality Control

Tesla just released a rare video that shows the quality of Giga Shanghai's work and championing Tesla vehicle reliability, made in the Giga Shanghai factory.

Watch how Tesla cars are produced at Giga Shanghai in this rare video by Tesla.

"We have a strict quality control and attitude," says Tesla in this video, posted in its official Waibo account.

So, Tesla's Gigafactory Shanghai has begun mass producing Model Y, for delivery in China & Asia as well as export to Europe, Australia, and other key markets.

Giga Shanghai produced a total of 214,545 units of Model 3/Y by the end of July this year. If the recent rumor of a daily production rate of 1800 units is true, GS may produce abt 488k in 2021. Factoring in a few possible shutdowns & other variables, the realistic number could be 450k.

If each Giga factory can produce approximately 500k cars, that is 2mil cars from the current four giga factories.

"A lot more. I can EASILY see 1M run-rate out of GigaBerlin by 2023, and 1.2 to 1.3M from GigaTexas by 2023. Ultimately reaching 2M by 2024 in Texas. And I am being extremely conservative," thinks one person on Twitter.

A user named Ben Friedman, comments and says "Elon said on a conf call last year (I think) that Q3 + Q4 of next year (2021) will be amazing. I’m paraphrasing because it’s been a while but there was something in his voice when he said it that made it stick in my head."

So Conservatively assume 500k will be from Fremont and 500k each from Berlin and Texas, 960k total annual production will far exceed the street consensus.


This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/torquenewsauto on Twitter and https://www.torquenews.com/ for daily automotive news.

https://twitter.com/LimitingThe/status/1430606758033072130 (video)

Tesla Just Released a Stunning Giga Shanghai VideoGiga Shanghai new videoTesla

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