Rhema Aug 21, 2021... I allow certain Events to get your Attention ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

Rhema Aug 21, 2021... I allow certain Events to get your Attention ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2020/10/12/ich-lasse-gewisse-ereignisse-zu-um-eure-aufmerksamkeit-zu-erregen-i-allow-certain-events-to-get-your-attention/
Video Playlist Love Letters... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtPpnHsvxszOUC9p-SrX4rO
Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

I allow certain Events to get your Attention

October 4, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "You have heard much doom and gloom, prognostications of nuclear holocaust, asteroids, tsunamis, and plagues. What I am here to tell you is that these measures are not retribution, they are not My Father scourging you from Heaven. They are attention getters. They are allowed to cause you to go deeper in your lives, from just living, success and career, to looking at where you will go when you die.

"We (Father & Son) are trying to get your attention, and especially the attention of the lost. We are for you, not against you. The calamities that have been allowed are the partial consequences of sin lived out on the earth. Many of these things you have caused directly, other things were inevitable. But above all, natural events and occurrences are the love that we have for you, our deep love for you, and the desire to see you living in Eden upon this earth.

"And to this end We want a relationship with you, We want you to come to US, expecting to receive help. Part of that help is in the form of obeying the commandments and living according to the rules of success We’ve given you. Not the success of an overflowing bank account, but the success of living in joy, peace, harmony and happiness, the joy of seeing others around you prospering as well. Get rid of that punishment mentality, My people, and realize the profound love We have for you, as well as Our desire to have a relationship with each of you, imparting grace, day after day, to live a good life.

"But as things are now, everything is out of balance. Mankind has lost the ability to live life and Satan has taught them how to destroy it. This state is what We are trying to rectify.

"When you see your children destroying important things that were given to bring them happiness, do you not step in and remove those things from them? Do you ignore the damage they are doing and how they are hurting others, as well as themselves, or do you call a halt and explain to them the proper way to behave? That is what is happening every time We allow something difficult in your life and in the world.

"Dear Ones, My heart is full of love and concern for you. Even in the littlest things, I intervene. Sometimes it is a parking place, other times you run into someone that needs you, or it could even be the very last slice of Tiramisu in the store. Yes, I love you even down to the littlest detail, and for that reason We are trying to bring you home, safely, back to sanity, in an insane and demonically oppressed world. Even now, the actions We take are for your ultimate good.

"So please, come to understand that in this hour We need you to repent of those things that are not pleasing to Us, those things that are a culture of death, not life, those things that tear apart the moral fiber of your children and family. Come to Me, beloved ones... truly, My love for you knows no limitations, and I will give you the graces needed to overcome sin in your lives.

"Reach out to others and pass on the message, a repentance of love, repent because you are loved, and I want to bless your life, not end it. Repent, because when you live in My love, by My rules, you will have great peace. Begin today to pray, ask forgiveness and take new steps forward, leaving behind your old life of sin.

"I love you, I wait for you, and want to infuse you with so much joy… a joy that no one can take from you, a joy that is not dependent on your circumstances, a joy that gives you strength to run the race to the finish line. Oh, come to Me, please, dear ones, I have so much favor to bestow upon you.

"You, in turn, have only to spend time with Me, pour out your heart and know that I am listening and even responding.


Why does God allow CalamityJesus ChristAttention

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