Short message, that folks need to hear:

Short message, that folks need to hear:

Basically, im doing this to remind people to use their common sense, when thinking about all thats going on. The illegitimate, "pwers that shouldnt be," are trying to frighten ppl who should be WELL AWARE that it is they, who hold the pwer, not some fat cat bureacrats, who are corrupt and illegit beyond all measure. Thats true ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Its true in Australia, Canada, here, Europe, WHEREVER. These ppl arent all powerful, and omni-present/ubiquitous. Take it from me: an irq war vet. We couldnt even lock a nation down that was the land mass of 1 state (ca-sized), and we had EVERY ADVANTAGE. We had high tech equipmnt, f0reign allies, local puppet regime f0rces, etc. We STILL failed. Add to it, whats happening right now that we all know i dont know WHY anyone gets so worked up about all this. Id love to see (l0gistically speaking) how putting up chckpts all over the place would work out for them (its next to impossible in a nation this vast, with this many roads, ppl, etc). How would that even work, without LOTS AND LOTS of f0reign tr00ps? Answer: IT CANT WORK. They know it cant, too. They already tried it, in some states back the first time this all happened last year. And, guess what? I bet MOST OF YOU didnt notice. See what im saying? Dont fall for the propagnda bl0whards (M S M)out there, who want to whip up fear in people. They cant even do half of the things they try to claim they can......The ONLY WAY they could even get close, would be to have ch1na, russ1a, etc to send tr00ps/invde. Why do you think they want ww3? because it helps them acc0mplish their end game, of dep0pulation and such. As long as we arent yet a c0nquered nation, with f0reign tr00ps on our streets, you wont EVER HAVE TO W0RRY ABOUT THIS GARBAGE.


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