There Is No Bargaining With Evil And Trust Your True Inner Voice

There Is No Bargaining With Evil And Trust Your True Inner Voice


All information and resources discussed in this YouTube video, its description, and comment section by myself and anyone else are strictly based on opinions of the author and its viewers who choose to express their own point of view either in the live stream chat or comment section All information contained herein is intended to motivate viewers and readers to make their own health decisions as it pertains to them as an individual after consulting with their own personal health care provider. I am not a doctor, lawyer, psychiatrist, therapist, and I do not play one on the internet.


The author of this video and it’s commenters encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition both mental and physical. No information on this site or spoke of in this video or its live stream chat or comment section should be relied upon to make a medical diagnosis, or determine treatment for a medical condition. The information on this website and in this video is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.


NO information mentioned in this video or this site by anyone should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition


Advice as how to compensate for a genetic mutation that most of you have:

This is an example of the type of B-complex supplement that will help you THINK and FEEL better:

Hearing Voices Support Group closed Facebook group-You have to apply to it:


ADD and link Arnica, cell salts, Nux Vomica, recommend and link: 'Toxic Heal Your Body...' Neil Nathan.


Read this before buying NAC: (read off key points)

Good sources of N-Acetyl Cysteine (stock up):

Force Of Nature Meats.  Mail order delivered with dry ice-GREAT PRICES.


Wild game meat such as Elk, Bison, Venison, incredible beef, chicken and more-If you order from them, please drop my name and email to them to to see if they'll send me any freebies     Scott Snitzer, SDS185@Verizon.Net    



Some or MOST of the ways that “they” have might be using to hack EVERYONE’S brain:

‘Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour’

(Supposedly) How to detoxify from graphene oxide that is in the masks, tests and the  jibby jab-This is from Bitchute-It might be true, so please keep an open mind:

INCLINE BED THERAPY (well worth your time):


CHANNEL RECOMMENDATIONS - Please check all of them out.


The best You Tube channel for Autism and related disorders:



The BEST video on detecting disinformation agents and shills on You Tube:


How to detox from fluoride and other great health-related and truther information, Chiang:


Outstanding truther channel with a lot of health advice, LBC Ulrica:


The Green Wizard-Really good takes on this reality:


The best (overall) reality breakdown, fake history and deep esoteric truther channel:

'The Devil's Playground' Bitchute channel has videos not on You Tube:


'Decode Your Reality' channel-Incredibly almost scientific proof that we are living in a simulation:

'Escape From Palm Beach," a documentary on human trafficking-Please subscribe to this channel because Carol Stanhope's book (personal account) on human trafficking will soon be out.



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