Get healthy, both mentally and physically • Subliminal • // VERY POWERFUL!

Get healthy, both mentally and physically • Subliminal • // VERY POWERFUL!

This subliminal is created to help you heal from almost anything that is bothering you at the moment.

Relax and listen,
and let the healing process begin!

Affirmations include:
I am healthy
I am feeling better
I am feeling cured of sickness
I am cured of sickness
I am feeling in top position
I am overcoming any form of sickness
I am getting better, both physically and mentally
I am well
I am strong
I am cured of anxiety and anything that used to bother me so much
I am calm and collected
I am free of pain and bad luck
I am coping with everything so well because I know that everything happens for a reason of learning and healing myself
Every day, each minute..Each second I am feeling and doing better than I was previous day, minute ago...Or a second ago. I am really much better!
I am grateful for my health.
I take care about myself, my surroundings and I take a good care of others.
I attract abundance of health because I deserve abundance of health
I always remain healthy

HOW SUBLIMINALS WORK: The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that records everything we experience, it holds our habits and beliefs that are programmed into us at an early age. The subconscious is programmed when we are kids, and then as we get older our conscious mind serves as a buffer to prevent things from constantly changing. This is why it is so hard to change bad habits with conscious decisions to do so. The subconscious controls everything from our heartbeat, digestion, DNA, cell growth, bone growth, hair growth, and much more. These are all things that happen without us commanding our body to do so.
There are affirmations playing underneath the music so that your conscious mind cannot hear and reject them. Once they bypass the conscious buffer they go right into the subconscious where they are acted on. With this method, we are essentially giving commands to the intelligence that
unconsciously controls our body and our cells. This is how people are experiencing fast physical changes that normally would be impossible.

#health #healthsubliminal

health subliminalGet healthyboth mentally and physically

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