Did you know there are small business loan programs available to small business owners for anywhere from $500 to $5 million? Join the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Wyoming District Office and the Wyoming Women’s Business Center (WWBC) to learn first-hand how you can take advantage of these initiatives.
Webinar attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about the resources and support networks available to them through the SBA and their partners. Topics in this one-hour webinar will include:
- The WWBC’s Micro-Loan Program
- Small business loans available through Wyoming Capital Access, a non-profit organization providing commercial loans in partnership with the SBA and banking institutions.
- SBA-backed loan programs from Lender Relations Specialists from the Small Business Administration
- Bank needs for loan processing, including credit, cash flow, and down payment
- Program overview from Wyoming Smart Capital’s Kendall Hutchinson