Why do You often Greet Us with RamRam ?

Why do You often Greet Us with RamRam ?

This is just a habit that I got through Harish Johari and his family. Many students of Harish Johari also use this greeting, much in the same way as they all know how to make good chai. Ram Ram basically is a greeting towards the divine in everyone, stimulating it also to manifest. Here the divine form of Ram is used, but it could be any form like Hari Aum or Namaste. Being from the warrior caste the Johari family adopted Ram because as a king he was also a warrior. But for example the preferred form of the divine (Ishta Deva) of Harish Johari was Hanuman.
(Online Leela Satsang Q&A 2021-9-1)

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Ram RamRamRamHarish Johari

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