Couch guy TikTok drama explained, why Twitter is divided

Couch guy TikTok drama explained, why Twitter is divided

Couch guy TikTok drama explained, why Twitter is divided

A TikTok shared by user Lauren Zarras has gone viral as people are debating over her relationship with her boyfriend. With many referring to Lauren’s boyfriend as the “couch guy”, the video has garnered over 21.9 million views so far. With the advancement of technology and easy access to the internet, more often than not, people are subjected to scrutiny. However, Lauren did not imagine her special moment would turn into a topic of discussion for all the wrong reasons. So, Lauren decided to surprise her boyfriend, Robbie, at college and get it all on camera with the help of another friend, as she wanted to capture his immediate reaction to seeing her. The video sees Lauren enter the room where Robbie is sitting on the couch with three other women. As soon as he sees Lauren, Robbie takes a moment or two before reacting and he does look surprised. When she walks closer, he gets up and the two are seen hugging each other. While the video ends at that, Twitter and TikTok users have been dragging Lauren and Robbie, saying their relationship has “red flags”. Some claim that they can see Robbie “slide” his phone to the girl sitting next to him, thus implying that he’s “cheating” on Lauren. A few have noted that the girl’s hand was allegedly touching Robbie’s thigh. All these comments and remarks made against the couple are based on Robbie’s reaction to seeing his girlfriend, which has left Twitter divided. The viral video has gathered a lot of reactions across social media, as users have expressed opposed opinions about Robbie, the couch guy. While some feel his delayed reaction to seeing his girlfriend means a “red flag” in their relationship, others have slammed the critics saying they are being hard on Robbie as he did nothing wrong. One Twitter user said, “I could surprise a dog I’ve never met and get a better reaction than the couch guy from that TikTok.” Another said, “Praying for mental strength for the couch guys girlfriend”. One Twitter user who feels they saw nothing wrong in the viral TikTok wrote, “Yeah that’s what I’m saying. Sometimes there’s nothing more to it. People read into stuff too much! And even if there is something weird going on, no”. “I don’t see anything wrong with that video. I am so confused am I just nd I do not see anything weird. Lmao,” wrote another user under the TikTok. Irrespective of what others have to say, Lauren believes that Robbie did nothing suspicious that could raise questions about their relationship. She wrote in the comments under her video, “Breaks my heart that people can watch a special moment and bring so much negativity. Please think before you assume anything about my relationship.” Addressing the crtitcism about the Robbie sliding his phone, she further added, “as for the phone comment, his phone was in his lap:) thanks for the concerns though! and no, i’m not in denial.” In other news, What is The Thirsty Beaver, Charlotte, and why was Mick Jagger there?


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