Mindful food and well-being

Mindful food and well-being

You just need to empty your brain and be fully attentive to what you are eating

Is what our left brain would love to say to our right brain about being mindful of food

Your left brain is great (most of the time - unless it's Karen doing the talking). It is organized, logical and problem solving

But when it comes to mindfulness. We really need to tell Karen to pipe down

And embrace our lovely creative and emotional right brain

That's exactly what @micafrancisangel does in the @thewellbeingrituals

Virtual and in person retreats where you have a space to embrace your 'inner child', have fun, spread joy and be creative

From overnight carrot cake oats, to beetroot coffee. Sustainable foraging to pumpkin bouquets

Simple, sustainable and soothing mindful food and well-being tips

And with the 100s of pages of recipes, and ebook on how to use these practices in your everyday life

You're Karen won't know what to do


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