Parents Who Had Me Young Called Me Selfish For Not Helping Raise/Pamper Their Favored Kids... AITA

Parents Who Had Me Young Called Me Selfish For Not Helping Raise/Pamper Their Favored Kids... AITA

My parents resent me for being born. They were 19 when they had me and I ruined their plans for college and their lives. They kept me, but they'd told me in the heat of the moment when I ask too much from them that they have expressed their resentment for me. My parents had my brothers and sisters starting when I was 8.

Now I'm 17 and they have five kids, me included. They love my siblings, and they go ‘above and beyond’ for them. Always have. And they expect me to not only be okay with that, but they want me to also go above and beyond for them. They have told me I'm not a team player, that I'm not a good sister, and that I'm not doing what I should as the oldest.

I work and go to school. I babysit as a side gig too. I have money that I save, but I never spend it on my siblings and it drives my parents crazy. I've been paying for my own food for the last two years and I don't really interact with anyone.

It came to a head about a week ago when my 7-year-old sister wanted this specific Halloween costume after she was teased for the one my parents bought her.

Story 1:
AITA for not being a team player within my family so my siblings can have the best?
Story 2:
Aita for not giving my adopted parents the money they needed I got from my dads parents?
Story 3:
AITA for making my daughters take my friend's daughter on their trip?
Story 4:
AITA for not visiting my parents when my sister is around with her kid?

#AITA #Parenting #Family


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