Underactive Thyroid Diet Meal Plan | Hypothyroidism | Treatment | Fix

Underactive Thyroid Diet Meal Plan | Hypothyroidism | Treatment | Fix

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0:00 Intro
1:45 Thyroid Hormones
3:12 Symptoms
4:54 Causes
5:23 Drug Treatment
5:52 Dietary Treatment
6:43 Exercise
8:18 Meal Plan Overview
8:40 Fasted Cardio (optional)
9:18 Breakfast
10:21 Mid Morning Snack
10:34 Lunch
11:15 Mid Afternoon Snack
11:24 Dinner

If you're looking for a Meal Plan / Diet for an Underactive Thyroid or just for some info about it, then you've come to the right place!


Hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid is more common in older females. It happens when your thyroid gland doesn't make enough of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) or triiodothyronin (T3), which slows down your body's metabolism.

T3 and T4 control how quickly the body burns energy and how quickly reactions in the body happen. The hormones speed up the body's metabolism, causing processes in the body to happen faster.


- Lethargy and wanting to sleep a lot
- Feeling the cold easily
- Dry and/or pale skin
- Coarse, thinning hair and brittle nails
- Sore muscles, slow movements and weakness
- Hoarse or croaky voice
- Change in facial expression
- Depression
- Problems with memory and concentration
- Weight gain
- Constipation
- Fertility problems and increased risk of miscarriage
- Heavy, irregular or prolonged menstrual periods
- Slow heart rate
- Swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck - goitre


- Hypothyroidism can be caused by an insufficient intake of the trace element mineral iodine.
- Another case is autoimmune thyroiditis. This is caused by antibodies from the immune system attacking thyroid gland cells.
- Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a type of autoimmune hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland swells up apparent as a goitre.


Drug treatments include T3, T4 or a thyroxine replacement, levothyroxine, in tablet form. However it can take many months to get the correct dose, so improvement in symptoms can be slow. Once the correct dose of thyroxine replacement has been established, thyroid function should be monitored annually.

Dietary treatment is aimed around controlling weight and making the individual feel less tired. The weight gain can be really difficult to lose until the thyroxine replacement therapy is at the right dose. Weight loss should be possible through a good diet and exercise regimen along with a drug treatment.


The following meal / diet plan has been designed for someone with hyperthyroidism who wishes to control their weight sensibly. Obviously the amount of weight the person wishes to or has to lose will vary and depend on how overweight they are. The following is a good general guide, nutritionally balanced for weight loss to suit a sedentary adult. Portion sizes will vary depending on your weight goal, but use the plan as a general guide for food choices.

*Exercise will be a huge help in helping to speed up the rate of weight loss. Light cardiovascular exercise (e.g. running, cycling, stepper, cross-trainer, treadmill, etc) for around 40 minutes at least three times per week. If possible do this fasted first thing in the morning, but if this isn't practical, later on in the day will also benefit both fitness and weight loss.*


- 40 minutes light cardiovascular exercise

- Porridge or muesli + skimmed milk + 1 tsp sugar
- Glass of fruit juice
- Mug of green tea

- Fruit
- Water

- Sandwich: 2 slices granary bread with chicken / ham / cottage cheese / low fat soft cheese
- Mixed salad
- 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds
- Low fat / low sugar yogurt
- Water

- 2 Oatcakes
- Fruit
- Water

- Chicken breast / white fish / lean meat
- Basmati rice / wholewheat pasta / boiled white potatoes / sweet potato
- A ton of veggies or a large salad

- Fruit
- Water


Plans for people with illness or medical conditions in no way should override advice provided specifically for you by your doctor, clinical dietitian or other clinician. I advise that you seek the advice of a suitably qualified physician before commencing any exercise regime, following any dietary or nutritional regimen or beginning the use of any dietary supplements, legal or otherwise.

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underactive thyroidthyroidHypothyroidism

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