A Swedish roadmap for a sustainable economy | COP26

A Swedish roadmap for a sustainable economy | COP26

The Swedish national coordinator for the 2030 Agenda is collaborating with municipalities, businesses and NGOs to accelerate progress towards the 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals. The economic system needs to change in order to speed up the transformation to achieve economic, social and environmental wellbeing. This requires, amongst others, redesigning institutions, infrastructure, market sentiments and laws. The forum supporting the Swedish roadmap for sustainable economy has identified over one hundred activities that support the wellbeing of both people and the planet as well as bringing sustainable economic development. Some of these activities will be discussed by our panel that includes some members of the forum.

• Anders Kärrberg, Head of Global Sustainability at Volvo Cars
• Johanna Fager Wettergren, Head of Sustainable Finance of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority
• Hanna Grahn, Sustainability Lead at Spotify
• Karin Lexén, Secretary General of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation – SSNC

• Gabriel Wikström, Sweden’s National coordinator for Agenda 2030

Swedish Pavilion


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