Can I File a Petition of Habeas Corpus Without the Assistance of a Lawyer?

Can I File a Petition of Habeas Corpus Without the Assistance of a Lawyer?

Your loved one has been illegally Baker Acted, and they’re currently being held against their will in a state facility.

Can you get them out on your own, without retaining a lawyer?

Well, you CAN, but I don’t advise trying it - here’s why:

If your loved one is Baker Acted, you can file your own petition for Habeas Corpus, which is a legal petition asking the court to release your loved one from the Baker Act facility, because they do not meet the legal requirements to be detained.

And yes, you can file it all by yourself. But be prepared - the lengthy form to file for Habeas Corpus is just the beginning. If you don’t have a strong legal background with a specialty in Chapter 394 (the Baker Act), you will likely find the court system VERY difficult to navigate.

If you end up in a hearing without skilled legal counsel, you’re unlikely to convince the court that your loved one is being illegally detained. You don’t know the rules of procedure, or the rules of evidence, and your cross-examination skills could probably use some work.

Your loved one’s freedom is hanging in balance - this is not the time to try out your DIY legal skills!

You don’t have to go it alone, nor should you try. If your loved one has been Baker Acted, you should call an attorney IMMEDIATELY - preferably one that specializes in the Baker Act. They’re going to have the skill and expertise to give you smart advice and navigate through the court system to secure your loved one’s release, most times without having to appear before the court.

Don’t take chances with your loved one’s rights.

Please call for a free consultation:


My team and I will explain your legal options and help you
choose the best course of action for your family.

Your loved one deserves a dedicated legal team that will protect their rights and ensure that they are treated fairly. Please call if you have any questions or need advice. We’re available 24-7 to help you navigate the legal system and safeguard your loved one’s freedom.

#thebakeract #mentalhealth #substanceabuse #florida #legalrights #drugandalcoholattorneys #markastor


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