Probably the most important piece of equipment in your dog's life is going to be their crate. Not only will they be traveling in it, but long before that it will be where they spend their time when you are gone, anytime you can't be paying attention to them or when you simply need a break. A dog's crate is a place where they feel secure.
If you decide to buy a large crate for when they are full grown, make sure you put a partition in the crate so that your puppy's living quarters are just large enough for them to sit and lie comfortably. The reason for this is that no dog wants to mess in their living area.
A simple rule to follow is every time your puppy comes out of the crate, you take them outside. In addition, I suggest you pick a spot in the yard where you prefer they do their business. During the 1st several days of housebreaking, carry your puppy right to this spot.
We always feed our dog in their crate. This is just one more thing that makes the crate a positive place. Water your puppy outside the crate so you can control their intake of water.