✏️How to paint abstract / Painting Ideas✏️
□I'm drawing a picture that anyone can write.
□Don't choose colors. By loving all colors equally, you can draw an unintended work.
□Don't draw the same way. Because I can discover my new self.
□Love your lines. Whether it's a good line or not, it's a line I drew.
□ There is no such thing as a failure. It's all masterpieces. Don't decide for yourself whether it's good or bad.It's because people feel different.
□Don't draw what I can imagine. Because I can't exceed my imagination.
□Don't brag about your skills. The excitement of art skill is nothing much."
□ Don’t see on canvas from the same perspective.For example , The moon is just a dot, but if you look closer, it's too big to draw.....
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