Broadband Data Collection Tribal Governments’ Technical Assistance Workshop

Broadband Data Collection Tribal Governments’ Technical Assistance Workshop

The FCC’s Broadband Data Task Force, Office of Economics and Analytics, and Office of Native Affairs and Policy will host this initial online workshop to provide information about the Commission’s Broadband Data Collection program and technical assistance on the procedures that Tribes will use to submit primary broadband availability data. During the virtual workshop, staff will provide an overview of the Commission’s Broadband Data Collection project and information on the tools and processes that will enable Tribes to submit broadband availability data directly to the FCC. FCC staff will also be available to answer participant questions. Tribal leaders, IT managers, and telecommunications regulators are particularly encouraged to attend. The FCC will conduct additional outreach to stakeholders as the systems and processes for the Broadband Data Collection are developed, finalized, and launched. The Workshop will be streamed live December 8, 2021 on and the FCC’s YouTube channel. For more information, see


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