The Real Housewives of Atlanta (abbreviated RHOA) is an American reality television series that premiered on October 7, 2008 on Bravo. Developed as the third installment of The Real Housewives franchise, it has aired twelve seasons and focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women residing in and around Atlanta, Georgia. The current cast consists of NeNe Leakes, Kandi Burruss, Cynthia Bailey, Kenya Moore, Porsha Williams and Eva Marcille, with Marlo Hampton and Tanya Sam serving as friends of the housewives. Previously-featured cast members include original cast members DeShawn Snow, ShereƩ Whitfield, Lisa Wu, and Kim Zolciak; and later additions Phaedra Parks, Claudia Jordan, Kim Fields, and Shamari DeVoe. The Real Housewives of Atlanta has received moderately favorable reviews from critics and has been recognized as a "guilty pleasure" by several media outlets. However, the series has been criticized for appearing to fabricate portions of its storyline. By February 2014, it was the highest-rated installment of The Real Housewives franchise and the most-watched series airing on Bravo. Its success has resulted in the conceptions of the spin-offs The Kandi Factory, Kandi's Wedding, Kandi's Ski Trip, I Dream of NeNe: The Wedding and Don't Be Tardy.
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