Sassy and Sybil's Fledgling Came to Visit by Itself and Seemed Content after a Few Fish Fingers :)

Sassy and Sybil's Fledgling Came to Visit by Itself and Seemed Content after a Few Fish Fingers :)

This is this year's fledgling of the pair of herring gulls (Sassy and Sybil) that I feed daily at my kitchen window. This is the first time he or she has visited alone, and seemed happy after a couple of fish fingers and a few mealworms :) I guess I'll be seeing it regularly from now on, that is until the parents decide it's time for it to make its own way in life and they begin to drive it away. It's always rather sad to witness this behaviour from adult gulls towards their young, but that's nature, huh? They have to learn to survive by themselves. Parent seagulls are absolutely devoted and protective of their young up until this point, but somehow their genes kick in and they realise they have to offload them to get ready to look after their next year's brood. I'll bet some human parents wish they could adopt the same sort of behaviour towards their children on occasion lol :)

GullHerring GullFledgling Gull

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