Best Direction for TOILET as per Vastu Shastra | शौंचालय की सही दिशा |

Best Direction for TOILET as per Vastu Shastra | शौंचालय की सही दिशा |

Hey, In this Video is learn about the good and bad placements of Toilets according to Vastu Shastra.

Toilet is the most Negative area in a Built Environment be it Home/Office/Factory etc. This area deals with the poisonous waste of Human Body thus it seriously affects the Health of the occupants, if not made in the VAASTU compliant Directions . The Video tells about the Best Directions where Toilet can be made. It also highlights Directions & Areas where Toilet is prohibited which has to be followed otherwise it creates serious problems linked to that particular Direction .

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Highlights of this video :
The right direction of Toilets and Bathrooms
Toilet Seat Facing -Is It Important In Vastu?
TOILET - Best Direction & it’s Complete VAASTU
Vastu Remedies For TOILETS
Vastu tips for your bathroom
Vastu Tips for Toilets
Toilet Vastu Remedies & Directions
Where should the Toilets be located as per Vastu
Where should the toilets be in the House
Vastu Tips:-The right direction of Toilets
The right direction of toilets and bathrooms
Toilet Vaastu
Directions of toilet. vastu for toilet
शैचालय किस दिशा में होना चाहिए
Best Vaastu Advice for WC
Vastu shastra for toilet
Place of toilet as per vastu shastra
Vastu shastra for toilet

Vastu Tips for ToiletsToilet Vastu DirectionsToilet Vastu Remedies

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