S. Korea starts to make gradual transition to normal; easing social distancing rules

S. Korea starts to make gradual transition to normal; easing social distancing rules

오늘부터 '일상회복' 시작... 사적모임 최대 12명 가능

South Korea has started its new 'Living with COVID-19' scheme a process of gradually easing some of the social distancing rules that have been imposed for months.

There are changes related to private gatherings and operating hours for businesses across the country.
For more on this, we have our Choi Won-jong in studio Welcome.
Won-jong, what are some of the changes we're expecting?

Yes, let's begin with private gatherings.
Taking a look at our screen right now.
In the Greater Seoul area social gatherings of up to 10 people, with 6 of the group fully vaccinated, are allowed at restaurants and coffee shops with up to 12 people allowed in other areas as long as 8 people are fully jabbed.
But you need to remember at cafes and restaurants, those who are not vaccinated can only meet in groups of up to four.

What about restrictions on business hours at cafes and restaurants? How have they changed?

In the Greater Seoul area under level four social distancing cafes and restaurants had to close by 10 PM.
Starting Monday the operation hours for those facilities are lifted so they can operate around the clock.
But for those considered as high risk facilities such as clubs and specific bars their business hours are until midnight.

We've heard that people are being required to present some sort of a certification to show that they are vaccinated or Covid negative when entering certain places is that right?

Right, the so-called vaccine pass is required when entering places that are considered high risk of COVID-19 exposure.
We are talking about singing rooms, saunas, gyms, bars plus hospitals.
Proving your fully vaccinated status is simple through an app called Coov by using Naver or Kakao or paper documents issued by local health centers.
Regardless of vaccination status showing a negative PCR test result taken within 48 hours can also be presented instead.
However if you are below 18 years old or unable to get vaccinated due to underlying conditions, you are exempted.
There's also some good news for movie-goers and sports fans if you are fully vaccinated, you are now allowed to eat popcorn and have drinks at theaters and get chicken and beer at baseball games.

Shifting gears to vaccination in Korea what's the latest?

Sure, starting Monday children aged 12 to 15 are eligible to get the Pfizer shot.
According to the health officials more than 490-thousand children have signed up for the shots which is only 26 percent of those eligible.
Vaccinations will start from November 1st until November 27th.
And booster shots will begin too for people with weakened immune systems, including leukemia patients and people who've had organ transplants.

Won-jong, tell us about today's figure in Korea and what the forecast looks like?

Today's figure will be lower than the previous day due to fewer tests conducted over the weekend.
From midnight to 9 PM 1-thousand 4-hundred 13 cases were reported.
That's 2-hundred 60 people MORE than the caseload from last Sunday.
However, due to Halloween celebrations in some high population areas the figure could change in next coming days.

Won-jong, before you go tell us about some changes in the government's daily briefing?

As you know we've been reporting daily Covid figures in the morning ever since the pandemic began.
From now on instead of releasing the daily caseload first South Korean health authorities will announce the death toll number of severe cases number of hospitalized patients and confirmed cases in order.
This comes as the authorities decided to make a gradual transition to normal by shifting their focus from number of positive cases to severely-ill cases instead.

Thank you for your reporting, Won-jong. And we'll see you again tomorrow.

#LivingwithCOVID #COVID19 #SouthKorea

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2021-11-01, 08:00 (KST)

arirangkoreanSouth Korea

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